Javon's food was stopped in December 2006 - when he was about 15 months old - partly because he refused to say 'amen' after dinner, investigators were told by two children who had been taken away from the cult by Philadelphia police.
Members viewed Javon as 'a demon', the children said.
No medical care was sought for the toddler when he stopped breathing, and he died in his mother's arms, according to court records of police interviews with the two children and another informant.
You know, I have kids. My kids are not perfect, and have done some stuff that makes me question whether they can properly think things through and make a decision without thinking about the ramifications. But what kind of person would it take to just assume that a toddler is evil? And worse yet, when a five year old does something repeatedly while being told not to do it, you get frustrated, sometimes to the point where you really want to teach them that you mean what you say (in my case it usually involves taking a toy away, or reneging on a promise to do something fun, not starvation). But there's a huge difference between my kids and this kid that died of starvation. This kid was a toddler. A toddler. Knowing the thought process of a toddler rather well, I can only assume that the adults freaked the fuck out every time he wouldn't say 'amen' and thereby were reinforcing his ability to control situations. It was probably little more than a game to him (at least the first couple of times it happened).
But apparently this cult decided that a sacrificed toddler would be a glory unto God. Not only did they sacrifice him, they put his remains in a suitcase.
Now I'm not going to compare this cult to Lutherans (the congregation that I grew up in), I have seen first hand their goal of showing compassion to all walks of life, believers or not. And I'm not going to compare this cult to Catholics, Jews, or any other religion. It is clear that this cult let this situation get way too far out of hand, and a toddler paid the ultimate price.
But really, can someone explain to me the difference between letting a child die by withholding food, and letting a child die by withholding medical attention? Why will someone in this cult pay for this child's death, when the couple from "Death by Faith" will likely get off without any punishment at all? They both believed that what they were doing was right because of their faith. I can see why they are not the same thing, but I see a stronger connection to their relation than I do their differences.
Now I'm not blaming this on G/god, the bible, or established religion in general. I'm not trying to make the case that belief in God is an inherent evil (as many atheists do). I'm saying that complete faith in God without a touch of reason, or intelligence (using that thing that God put in our heads) is the complete opposite of what every major established religion stands for.
At Least I think so...
Oh this is so typical. People are insane - religion or not. But if they are religious - it's easy to put blame on god for making them do it. Urg. Oh those papal people. ;)
Oh I get that everyone's insane, but people in America that worship the white God--Ahem, the right God get free passes. I don't think it's right...or white...
I feel like i should clarify something. And I appreciate the comment, I always will.
I have no problem with belief in God, if it encourages people to live a better life (and not kill their kids), I'm for it. I do have a problem that people take offense to having an open discussion on God. People need to understand that just because something is written in a book doesn't mean that I have to take it as personal gospel. Therefore when I say something like "Holy people/Churches should be held responsible when they do bad shit," I don't get looked at like I have a dickfor coming out of my forehead (you don't know what a dick is for? ha ha ha ha ha ha).
I don't expect an apology when other people express their religious opinions, yet I feel like I have to explain/apologize whenever I say that Jesus was a good guy, but his life is meant to be taken as a parable--a guide on how to live a good, Christian life.
Thanks for reading...What's in Between is an awesome blog by the way. And delicious.
word, brotha.
Yeah I didn't want you to think I was jumping on you...I know your comment was jesty, but I felt (as I always do) that there is more that I want to put in a post that slips my mind.
after all...are you gonna believe everything written in a scroll?
Of all the details to pick up on in The Bible, why "don't feed your kids medicine"? It doesn't justify that anymore than it does straight-up murder. Thanks a lot, Mary Baker Eddy.
She makes Ted Haggard look like Brigham Young...
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