Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A new day

I refuse to fall into the same mind set of liberal minded folks that believe Obama is the messiah and that he is going to solve all of the world's problems. I do, however, take umbrage with the fierce (and at times froth-mouthed) resentment that Obama has garnered before being sworn in. The weeks following 9/11 Bush's approval were up to around 90%. That means that 90% of this country stopped the petty bickering and rallied behind the leader of this nation. We are at a very important time in America's history, I hope we can see the same kind of unity under an Obama administration. I have my doubts. Rush Limbaugh (and his ilk) calls the whole Obama inauguration the immaculation (a funny choice of words for sure). It's a simple jab at the Obama faithful. But you know, I've never heard Obama say that God hand-picked him for anything. It makes me wonder what Rush thought about Georgie Porgie invoking God (he can't mean literally can he?) for his reasoning to begin an unjust and immoral campaign to kill Iraq dead.

Has the pettiness returned? For sure. But the reasons why are clear. We saw the exit of a President who, while Governor of Texas, Executed developmentally disabled adults, permitted unfettered and unchecked use of wiretaps on a free nation, and showed a callous disregard to threats to American security.

My feelings towards Obama are a little ambiguous. I've read his words, listened to his speeches, and have looked into his voting record, he speaks my language on the political front (mainly that the devisive nature of American discourse slows the political process). However, one clear thing that stands out to me...He's a politician. Whether or not he was the best one for the job at any point in this election cycle, he is still one of the few with power that should not be given to any single person (Berlusconni, I've got my eye on you!!!). All that said, I am glad Obama is #44. There are worse people to have in office than a Constitutional scholar and lawyer. Besides, we should all want the same thing for all presidents: we should hope that they can steer the country in a course that leads us to prosperity, avoid destruction, and create a society that promotes the rights of all, not just the majority.

Thanks for the memories Bush. If nothing else it was terribly, terribly interesting.


Ian Gort said...

terribly terribly scary, horrifying, mind-bendingly weird/surreal.

i have too many words to describe the horror of 8 years under Bush.

Go Obama! perhaps not the promised land (remember there were canaanites there first), but maybe a return sanity.

The Freakin' Deacon said...

a return to sanity? oh man, could you imagine?

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