Monday, May 26, 2008

The First Church Of Reason

Welcome to our Church. We are a collection of Agnostics, Atheists, and Theists of all kinds. Our mission is simple: we want to create a new way of worship that exercises reason and praises beauty. We celebrate music, art, literature, film, culture, society, faith, history, honor, friendship, love, family and many other things of this and other worlds. This blog will be used as a place where we can openly and publicly celebrate these ideals, and show when they are being trespassed upon. Thanks for looking, and Welcome to the Church of What's Happening Now.


Science said...


Science said...

What about agnostics plus? Those who waver between agnosticism and theism.

The Freakin' Deacon said...

I would guess that Agnosticism would cover them.

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