And then there's Mike. He showed up on my porch one snowy Wisconsin night and immediately crawled into my arms, and my heart. He was with me through two good years of co-op living and made the move to Portland in 2001, hating the car the whole way. He spent most of that trip under the driver's seat, meowing pitifully every now and again just to let me know he was still there and still miserable. When I brought my girls home from the hospital, he took it in stride. Whenever I was holding only one baby and had room for a kitty in the other arm, he'd hop right up and take a little nap. He put up with a lot of tail pulling and fur grabbing from our girls as they grew, but he remained his calm, sweet self throughout.
It's a hard decision to let go of a pet, but Mike & Puck are remembered fondly and missed by all who knew them.
To Mike and Puck: two of the finest furry parishioners of the Church of What's Happening Now!
Look, if we're praising our dead pets, where's the love for my sweet and perfect Bunny?
Do it Norah! We will proudly display Bunny with Puck and Mike!
Sorry Norah - I didn't have a picture of your Bunny. Plus, I only met him once. SORRY!!! (big hugs to Norah and the memory of Bunny)
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