Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Judge Judy and Executioner

I'm not a big fan of Judge Judy -- of course I'm not a fan of TV judges in general -- But I find Judge Judy in particular to be shrill, annoying, and off-putting. But this piece was brought to my attention by an old friend from high school (thanks Katy). Larry King brings up Prop 8, and Judy Sheindlin offers a brief and stirring call for common sense (and yes, I get it, Judge Judy is not what I would call the summit of rationality, but this was quite a moving message from her). Plus if you don't like Judy or Larry King, you might like Larry King telling Judy that she'll "never make it" to 2013.

On to the vid:

1 comment:

Ian Gort said...

you had me at judge judy and executioner.

the rest is just gravy.

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