Wednesday, July 16, 2008

George Carlin 1937-2008

I apologize that this took so long, I feel really shitty about it...

I really liked George Carlin. I thought he was funny, smart, and observant. He was never afraid to speak his mind. Religion, politics, the absurdities of life, Carlin was always ready with a quip that pretty much shows how twisted our world can be, in a way that no one else has been able to do in this way.

What you got from comedians in the 80s and 90s (Hey what can I say, I was a child of Comedy Central) were airline jokes, or they'd talk about how nice it is to be in Tulsa, these routines were all the same and all seemed to be taped in front of the Brick Wall of the Improv. The big guys -- Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Sam Kinison, and George Carlin were different. They were the people that would stand up on stage and say "What the Fuck is wrong with you people?" George Carlin did this better than anyone.

What sucks the absolute most about this, is that we always seem to lose these people in a time when we need them the most (Lennon, R&JFK, MLK, Jesus). We are living in very important times. $4 gas, the clusterfuck in Iraq, the Biggest election in my lifetime (just to name a few), and we need people that will us the truth in the time of corporate sponsorship of elected officials, and news pieces that lack substance.

I'll miss George, he was exactly what this country needed, and we lost him far too soon. This is the best quote I've ever heard from him, and I didn't even hear it from him, but from my stepfather, the Great High Priest Bobbo: "If you're born in this world you're given a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America, you're given a front-row seat."

Thanks George, Rest In Peace, give HST a kick in the ass then a hug from me...


Ian Gort said...

Let the record be ammended to include the late great Bill Hicks along with those other notable comics.

I'll miss George Carlin. He was proof that not all artist lose their edge after kicking drugs. I'm looking at you Aerosmith.

The Freakin' Deacon said...

Re: Mr. Hicks.

Cheerfully Amended. In fact I would argue that for the first part of his career, Eddie Murphy shouldn't belong on that list. Eddie Murphy was closer to a comedian than any of the other guys on that list, who were more social commentators that were really funny.

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