Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Liberals, God's favored Children???

Remember this?

Do you remember the result? Of Course you do. Obama went on stage at Mile High and wowed the world with one of his awesome speeches.

Do you remember the start of the RNC? The huge Opening Night ceremony was delayed because of Hurricane Gustav.

Today in Wisconsin, I wore a T-shirt to the polling place at 7:00 in the morning. On November-fuck-4th. In a state that has gone blue for 5 straight Presidential campaigns.

Are you with me so far???


Global Warming my Ass!


Science said...

Umm... I'm confused. Does Jack Chick want me to vote for Barack Obama because Bush is such a dickweed to Israel? That's cold, man.

The Freakin' Deacon said...

No he wants you to write in Jesus Christ. Duh

Alex Headrick said...

Wait, they're still making Chick Tracts? I guess I just assumed Jack Chick had died at some point. My favorite part was the random animosity towards the UK. What happened to jolly old England, indeed.

Ian Gort said...

no kidding, what's with the anti-British sentiment?

i thought we ironed out those old wrinkles by world war ii....

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