Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Be Peaceful, Be kind.

The first celebrations of the winter variety came about around 7,000 years ago. In the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, ancient Sumerians gathered together in the local school gymnasium to stare at their children on the stage. Historians aren't exactly sure why, but it appears as though they all showed up wearing winter garb very similar to ours; like us, they also didn't have a place to put their fucking coats for the duration of the show. It being the first Christmas show there were no songs to sing, or plays to perform. The tradition continued for several thousands until today.

The holiday season means many things to many people. Be they Jews who celebrate Hanukkah, Pastafarians who celebrate Holiday, Atheists who celebrate Christmas, or freaks who celebrate Festivus. One of the very charming things about this time of year for everyone involved, is that strangers pretend like we care for one another more (our advertisements even proclaim this). The truth is: traffic's a mess, stores are ridiculous, everyone's grumpy, and where are all those friendly neighbors with those fancy snow-blowers when you're out with the shovel?

I have felt this way about the season for a long time. But it's all bullshit. What really matters this time of year is not the guy in the Cadillac Escalade who can't drive for shit, or the person who is completely oblivious to being in your way at the store (do people get off on this? I swear to god!). The holiday season is, and should be, about the people you love. It should be about being happy, and being excited that days are getting longer, and that we are closer to spring (or the dawn of a football season that hopefully won't see the total collapse of my two favorite teams), and that (thanks to presents given by my Step-Mother, among other habits, rituals, and tools) my kids are a step closer to being literate and not frustrated by reading.

H/t to Alex for pointing out to me a new Atheist celebration that uses the spirit of the holidays to create a humanist holiday for those living outside of faith. It's called HumanLight. Alex nailed it when he said it seems a little silly and unnecessary, especially since Atheists have no problem celebrating Christmas. But the point is, we need to do all we can to make ourselves and our loved ones happy, and that's what this holiday appears to be about. And that's what our lives should be about.

Be happy everyone, but don't try to put happiness on your Credit Card.

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