Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Jon Stewart Says it...

Because I'm far to busy to say it.

I generally like Huckabee. He truly believes in his convictions, and he isn't swayed by money or power (okay, well as much as a politician can not be swayed bu these things). His convictions are just weird to me.

1 comment:

Ian Gort said...

what is really great about huckabee, even if he himself does not know it, is that by engaging, quite respectfully, in this sort of debate is exactly how a democratic-republic does change things.

we do not have a society, or government for that matter, that is suited for fast-acting, radical change.

speaking of semantics and the like, huckabee's argument is now, and will be part of the pending (already in process really) redefinition of what is marriage, what does it mean in society and religion.

this is exactly the kind of debate that is necessary to change things. we certainly cannot have a bunch of radical whoosywhatsits implementing their idea of an ideal society.

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